Humanities greatest philosophers fall into five distinct categories and it’s time for everyone to pick a team.
However, before we get into the details, I have a confession to make chaps…
I’m a bit of a retard.
Not a ‘dribbling on my chin’ kind of retard.
Or a ‘taking toxic vaccines to protect myself from a virus that doesn’t exist’ kind of retard.
But a ‘here’s how everyone should live’ kind of retard.
This is one of the most retarded types of retard.
The reality is, it takes a whole life to learn how to live.
And yours truly is still on the front nine.
So take this all with a pinch of salt.
And come to your own conclusions.
Here we go.
As far as I can tell.
There aren’t that many coherent ideologies for high performance men to choose from.
The greatest philosophers of all time fall into five main categories and now you have to choose a side.
Here are your options:
The 5 Greatest Philosophers For Men
1. Martyrs

- Jesus, the Apostles, the Saints, Socrates, Plato, Codreanu etc.
Mostly just incredibly impressive, honourable, courageous, high morality men who get murdered by the state for saying the truth.
I like these guys.
2. Unconscious Satanists

- Nietzsche, Machiavelli, Robert Green, Uncle Adolf, Evola etc.
Mostly just high IQ, low morality men who dream of defeating the enemy by behaving like them.
I understand the temptations that these will to power types succumbed to.
And consider them to be a necessary evil.
3. Romans With A Perfect Poker Face

- Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epictetus, Zeno etc.
Mostly just hyper-violent conquerors who wrote diaries about the importance of being chill…
I’m not a massive fan of these guys
Their philosophy is a hypocritical snooze fest but I can appreciate that it’s probably positive for pensioners and the spiritual peasantry
Modern stoic tweet
4. Suicidal Germans Scribbling Gibberish

- Heidegger, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Marx etc.
Mostly just mentally ill, nihilistic nerds, wasting their lives writing illegible, incoherent nonsense about how morality is relative until they go insane
Life isn’t a tragedy chaps, it’s a comedy.
Lighten up.
I don’t like these guys
5. Nature Worshippers

- Pagans, Heraclitus etc
Mostly just men who want an excuse to REDACT anyone who they disagree with.
I am ok with these guys in my military, but don’t want one as a neighbour.
* Honourable mentions to Aristotle, Diogenes, Dante & a few other more fluid fellows
Living In Alignment With One Of The Greatest Philosophers

The point is this chaps.
You have to live in ALIGNMENT.
This is the only thing that will provide meaning to every decision you make and crucially, help you circumvent the crushing abyss of regret which consumes so many men as they age.
Regret is the reward for betraying your creator.
You can avoid it by:
- Choosing a life philosophy
- Devoting yourself to it completely (by adjusting habits & behaviours accordingly)
- Riding the dragon to the bitter end
The fun part is this…
You’ll only find out whether you were right on not…