Is Made in Chelsea scripted?
Of course!
Reality TV is completely fake and 99% scripted.
It’s like politics but with prettier people.
In Britain, if you’re working class you watch ‘Geordie Shore’…
If you’re middle class you watch ‘Made in Chelsea’…
And if you’re mentally retarded you watch ‘The Only Way is Essex’.
If you find yourself asking: “Is Made in Chelsea scripted?”, you need to understand that reality TV exists for only one reason…
To promote decadence and sexual hedonism.
Reality TV shows like Made in Chelsea play an important role in programming the populous.
Their job isn’t to document reality, it’s to manipulate our country’s youth into behaving in a way that creates a new reality.
You see, if the enemy can use their stranglehold on the media to normalise degenerate behaviour in our kids, then in one generation, they can create an immoral population that is easy to conquer and control.
However, knowing all of that doesn’t change the fact that every episode of Made in Chelsea is an exhibition of the most exceptional English aesthetics.
The show is an enviable orgy of signet rings, Schoffels, and chauffeur-driven Aston Martins.
Wait… Is Made in Chelsea Scripted?
Uh hello, the majority of the cast aren’t even from Chelsea.
Do you think these strangers always just happen to wonder into the exact the same bar at the exact same time?
And that they dont notice the massive cameras and film crew following them around?
Every scene requires multiple takes, which is why the cast members describe themselves as being ACTORS.
It’s completely fake.
All the bar scenes are filmed at 10am.
The cast hold fake drinks and the editors put the music over the top later.
Some of the relationships are real for sure, but most of the drama is mainly contrived nonsense.
On social media you can even see the actors living in tiny little flats, but somehow on the show they all have luxurious apartments.
Anyway, despite all this evidence, people still ask… Is Made in Chelsea scripted?
How could it not be?
The Top 10 Members of the Made In Chelsea Cast
One naturally assumes that everyone on TV has sold their soul to the devil, but as a tip of the hat to the Kensington crew, I have decided to rank the Made in Chelsea cast out of 10 for their Britishness.
Here we go…
The Iron Chin.

Young Spencer Matthews had all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and lust.
Spencer is related to royalty and more impressively, holds the Guinness world record for ‘most slaps received by a man on TV’.
Someone should get this guy in the ring with the gypsy king…
He can take a hit.
In his youth, Spenny was a steroid-addicted, alcoholic adulterer.
But since leaving the show, he’s packed in the partying, married a nine, and started making whites.
We love to see it, 9/10
The Sexy Wasp.

Georgia Toffolo is a proud conservative, which means within a month of dating The Great British Bloke she’d develop some spicy opinions about central banking.
Toff is good friends with Boris Johnson’s dad…
In 1982, Stanley Johnson wrote a book about a government releasing a deadly virus onto its people as a cover for population control through a forced vaccine.
Perhaps she can ask him if this was predictive programming or just a coincidence?
Diamond Boy.

Francis Boulle is the world’s first, well-mannered ginge.
After his quirky charisma made him a fan favorite on Made in Chelsea, he was invited onto the TV quiz show ‘Mastermind’.
His chosen specialist category was the famous proponent international free trade, Friedrich Hayek.
Francis did a wonderful job of answering every question correctly but there is only one problem…
Free trade is a scam.
It’s a tough scam to get your head around, but a scam nevertheless.
Karl Marx wrote in The Communist Manifesto that the fastest way to destroy a nation is to promote international free trade.
And since, international free-trade has become the basis of the global capitalist system.
Why did he believe this?
Because he understood that capitalism ruthlessly divides people by centralising wealth and power in the hands of the immoral.
Once a people are divided, then they can be conquered.
The truth is that capitalism and communism are not opposite ends on an economic spectrum.
Capitalism is the revolutionary force that makes communism INEVITABLE.
So in order to resist the plans for global communism that are outlined in the UN’s Agenda 2030 ‘Sustainable Development Goals’, we must fight against capitalism.
That is our true enemy.
And this is no secret, revered Economist Joseph Schumpeter described the result of free trade policies as a “gale of creative destruction.”
DESTRUCTION being the keyword.
The revolution will require us to embrace protectionist economic policies and to introduce interest-free economics back into Christendom.
Nevertheless, despite these economic intricacies, the rest of the cast only have about 80 IQ points between them, and our guy Francis is clearly a cut above.
He’s a strong, 7/10
Judge Grinder.

Jamie Laing has been the star of the Made in Chelsea cast for over a decade, he’s a wonderfully likable chap.
Jamie looks identical to Judge Rinder, which is to say, he has a serious case of the gayface.
Could it be?
Surely not.
Jamie’s had a long string of girlfriends on the show. That wouldn’t make sense…
Would it?
Mr. Laing makes vegan sweets for a living, so the smart money’s on him being at least bisexual.
Adolf’s Wet Dream.

Sophie Herman has a symmetrical face, a high-class hip-to-waist ratio, and a sharp sense of humour.
So why is the German juggernaut single and childless aged 34?
This is the paradox of life for a secular woman; lots of sexual partners, but no legacy.
In the last series of Made in Chelsea, Sophie explained how she was freezing her eggs because she was desperate to meet Mr. Right, settle down, and have children.
She spent the rest of the series dating a 32-year old rapper/DJ…
And then crying when the relationship failed.
Who could’ve seen that coming?!
Her inclusion on the show provides a valuable case study of what happens to women who fail to cash their chips at the right time.
Men want chaste, submissive, beautiful, faithful, fertile, wives.
These attributes all peak aged 20-24.
So get married then to avoid wasting your Aryan DNA. 5/10.
The Modern Woman.

Binky Felstead is a sweetheart.
But unfortunately for her, she’s also a walking stereotype of the modern women.
Her time on Made in Chelsea was brutal.
She dated multiple different men and was cheated on by all of them.
And then she had a child out of wedlock with her boyfriend.
Then they split-up.
And then they got back together and decided to ‘co-parent’ the kid.
Then they spilt up again.
Binky subsequently returned to the show as a single mum, only to then leave, marry another man and have his child.
The Great British Bloke wishes her well, but her life outcomes are quite literally the best-case scenario for any modern woman who rejects Jesus Christ, 4/10.
The Basic Bitch.

Imagine being Millie Mackintosh’s father.
He paid £30,000 a year to educate his daughter at Millfield School, only for her to become an Instagram thot.
Fat L, 3/10.
The Sin Salesman.

Ollie Locke is the most transparent propagandist alive today.
No civilisation in the history of humanity has survived for longer than 100 years after the complete sexual liberalisation of its people.
So the media, in their war against the British people, gave Ollie over a decade of screen time to promote his bizarre brand of confused sexual hedonism.
First, he was a lothario who pretended to love having premarital sex with multiple women.
Then the long-haired, pink-shirt-wearing, highly-emotional empath decided to ‘come out of the closet’ on national television.
This surprised literally no one.
More recently, Ollie got gay ‘married’ on the show and he is now publically planning to adopt a child.
He’s basically Britain’s Bruce Jenner; employed to convince the masses that nonsense is normal.
Sodomy aside, in fairness to the bloke, he’s loyal to his friends, has great hair, and rocks a Ralphie… but that won’t save him from the lake of burning fire. 2/10
The Part-time Tranny.

Sam Thompson is a bizarre bloke. He’s got a child’s brain in a bodybuilder’s body.
He’s potentially the most immature man in England.
This 30-year-old dude can’t go two weeks without cross-dressing in his sister’s clothes for clickbait.
There is nobody in Britain who would benefit more from being sent to war, than young Sammy T.
Finger crossed the next series of Made in Chelsea is filmed in Afghanistan.
Perhaps the Taliban can do us all a favour, 1/10.