The Prince Philip Meme was a little bit of light-hearted fun.
And I suspect, given his sensational sense of humour, Prince Philip himself would have found it hilarious.
You see, political correctness is just communism masquerading as manners.
And in the last century, the only influential man in Britain to understand this truth, was Prince Philip.
The World’s most experienced plaque unveiler valiantly fought back against this tirade of intellectual totalitarianism for 99 glorious years.
By telling a string of outrageous jokes and lending his face to the Prince Philip meme.
The Famous Prince Philip Meme
After being released from hospital aged 98, the paparazzi took this photo of our beloved Prince… and in that moment, the Prince Philip Meme was born.

Prince Philip Quotes (His 33 most wonderfully racist one-liners)
Unfortunately, he passed away a few months later.
So, to celebrate his life, I have decided to immortalise his 33 most politically incorrect moments on the blog.
Here they are:
- To the dictator of Paraguay, General Stroessner, he said: “It’s a pleasure to be in a country that isn’t ruled by its people.”
- To a Scottish driving instructor in 1995, he said: “How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?”
- To a 13-year old who told Prince Philip that he dreamed of going to space, he said: “You’re too fat to be an astronaut.”
- To an Ethiopian artist in 1965, he said: “It looks like the kind of thing my daughter would bring back from school.”

- To an Aboriginal businessman in a Queensland rainforests, he said: “Do you still throw spears at each other?” William Brim replied: “No. We don’t do that any more.”
- To Malala, who survived assassination by the Taliban for the crime of wanting to attend school, he said: “Children only go to school because their parents don’t want them in the house.”
- About Princess Anne and her obsession with horses, he said: “If it doesn’t fart or eat hay, she’s not interested.”
- To someone from the Cayman Islands in 1994, he said: “Aren’t most of you descended from pirates?”
- To a Greek Prince in 1966 he once said: “British women can’t cook”
- “Ghastly.” Prince Philip’s opinion of Stoke-on-Trent
- “Ghastly.” Prince Philip’s opinion of Beijing
- “Ghastly.” Prince Philip’s opinion of Koala Bears
- To a British tourist during a tour of Budapest, Hungary in 1993, he said: “You can’t have been here that long, you haven’t got a pot belly!”
- To ‘Diversity’, a multi-racial dance group who won Britain’s Got Talent in 2009, he said: “Are you all one family?”
- To 21-year-old British student Simon Kerby during a visit to China in 1986, he said: “If you stay here much longer, you will go home with slitty eyes.”

- Whilst looking at a poorly constructed fuse box during a tour of a Scottish factory in 1999, he said “It looks as though it was put in by an Indian.” The Prince later clarified his comment: “I meant to say, cowboys. I just got my cowboys and Indians mixed up.”
- To a pensioner living in Charterhouse housing charity for elderly men… he looked him up ad down and said: ”You look starved.”
- To Italian Prime Minister, Giuliano Amato after being offered the finest Italian wines he shouted “Just get me a beer!”
- To chef Regis Crépy, after he was served a breakfast of bacon, eggs, smoked salmon, kedgeree, croissants, and pain au chocolat, he said: “The French don’t know how to cook breakfast.”
- To a Caribbean nurse in 1966, he said: “You have mosquitoes. I have the Press.”
- To Tory politician Lord Taylor of Warwick, whose parents are Jamaican he asked: “And what exotic part of the world do you come from?” Lord Taylor replied: “Birmingham.”

- To Simon Kelner, a journalist from The Independent, at a Windsor Castle reception he said: “What are you doing here?” “I was invited, sir.” Kelner replied. “Well, you didn’t have to come.” said Philip.
- To a female solicitor, in 1987: “I thought it was against the law for a woman to solicit.”
- To the media after the 1981 recession, he said: “A few years ago, everybody was saying we must have more leisure, everyone’s working too much. Now everybody’s got more leisure time they’re complaining they’re unemployed. People don’t seem to make up their minds what they want!”
- To the media after the Dunblane shooting in 1996, he said: “If a cricketer suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, are you going to ban cricket bats?”

- To a pilot at a local airport who asked: “What was your flight, like, Your Royal Highness? Prince Philip responded: “Have you ever flown in a plane?” Pilot: “Oh yes, sir, many times.” “Well,” said Philip, “it was just like that.”
- “People think there’s a rigid class system here, but dukes have even been known to marry chorus girls. Some have even married Americans.”
- To the media, he once said: “I don’t think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing.”
- To a Kenyan woman who gave him a small gift he said: “You are a woman, aren’t you?”
- To a wheelchair-bound nursing-home resident in 2002 he said: “Do people trip over you?”
If this is what he came out with when the cameras were rolling, imagine the carnage he caused behind the scenes.
Prince Philip lived a long regal life, characterised by dedication to his wife, dedication to his country, and most importantly dedication to British comedy.
I pray that he rests in peace.