The British have a burning passion for the red phone phone box despite the fact that no one in the country has ever actually used one.
Well, that’s not quite true, I see Liverpool fans sleeping in them all the time.
If the government was to publicly announce their removal today, there would rightly be a revolution tomorrow.
This is interesting because whilst these red phone boxes are viewed as being incredibly British, they deliver no tangible benefit to society… sort of like Hugh Grant.
The Importance of the Red Phone Box In British Culture
Their role in society is intangible and far more important than providing snitching criminals a place to make tip-offs from.
Red telephone boxes are liked by the British people for their English aesthetic and because they represent tradition.
Unfortunately, it’s for this reason, our converged government wants them gone.

In order to destroy a nation physically, first, you must destroy them mentally.
One way to do this is to remove anything that gives them pride in their own country.
Statues, museums, red telephone boxes… it’s all got to go.
If you can strip a people of things that make them love their own country…
Then, over time, they’ll feel like they have nothing worth fighting for.
So, silly though it sounds, this attack against our red phone boxes is a microcosm of what’s happening at scale across Christendom today.
It’s a form of psychological warfare.

Our corrupted government has continued its sneaky attack on British culture by subtly turning our telephone boxes into horrific-looking, soulless advertising boards.
We were never asked.
We never wanted our culture to be sold off to the highest bidder.
This is the result of allowing international capitalists to control the consciousness of our society through the media and banking systems.
Given the chance, they will destroy everything of cultural importance in the name of profit and power…
Until there is nothing left.
Small though they seem, they are very hard to undo.
All good British men must resist these changes.

The solution isn’t going to be quick and easy.
In the short term, we can attempt to live moral lives, speak the truth and have large families.
In the long term…