Thanks to the Post Office, in Britain we have the red post box.
In the Middle East, they have the black post box.
And in Birmingham you can find both!
The British are oddly proud and protective of their postal service.
This is peculiar because trusting the Royal Mail to deliver your letters is the intellectual equivalent of trusting Prince Andrew to babysit your children.
Additionally, thanks to the internet, the British red post box is now virtually obsolete.
The Royal Mail only exists today as a method for Grandmas to send a £20 note to their ‘favorite grandson’ on his birthday.
But despite its inability to compete with a lawless, CIA-funded, new technology, the post office remains a firm favorite with the British people.
You see, the British love an underdog.
Whether it’s the Post Office, our parliamentary democracy, or David Attenborough…
The British will always find a place in their hearts for old, dated, decrepit, dying things.