The British love their incestuous overlords, who are more commonly known as: The Royal family.
This was proved when, on the 26th March 2016, despite all the politician’s propaganda, all their lies, all the slander… the British people voted for Brexit and spoke to the World!
They said: “We don’t want to be ruled by the Germans in Europe! We want to be ruled by the Germans in the Royal family!”
Nothing like mob rule, eh lads?
The Hapsburgs have ruthlessly ruled over huge parts of this realm for over a thousand years.
They have been Kings of the Holy Roman Empire, Austria, Bohemia, Spain, Hungary, Portugal, The Netherlands, Tuscany, Brazil, France, Mexico, and now our beloved Britain.
Despite this power, the Royal family are generally well-liked by the working-class people of Britain.
As a result, speaking ill of the Royals in public is considered to be less British than slow roasting a swan.
In private, however, the social protocol is thrown out of the window and you can get away with expressing all sorts of unauthorized opinions about the Royal Family.
Here are some classics:
Queen Elizabeth.
“Mate, she’s got surprisingly perky tits for a pensioner. No wonder she’s such a tourist attraction!”
Prince Phillip.
“Mate, what do you get when you cross Prince Phillip and the Queen?
Killed in a tunnel!”

Princess Diana.
“Mate, that chick had a prophetic nickname.”

Prince Andrew.
“Mate, Prince Andrew’s BBC interview was the second-worst car crash in the Royal Family’s history!

Kate Middleton.
“Mate, her sister has a sensational arse.”

Prince William.
“Mate, the only reason to get married is if you’re going bald… You know, so can lock down a hottie. Prince William gets it.’

Prince Harry.
“Mate, Prince Harry is both balding and ginger. Brutal.”
“Mate, he’s the world’s most eligible bachelor and he chose to marry a 36-year-old, feminist, African divorcee?! What a clown!”
“Mate, I wonder whether the royal divorce will justify a bank holiday?”

Princess Beatrice.
“Mate, I wouldn’t mind taking her to brunch, if you know what I mean…”