Black cabs are what British people call taxis in London.
To be clear, ‘Black’ refers to the colour of the car, not the driver.
You won’t find any rum-punch-loving, marijuana-smoking, jerk-chicken-consuming Afro-Caribbean cabbies in London.
For better or for worse, black cabs are exclusively driven by whites*.
The Knowledge.
Perhaps this is because, in order to become a black cab driver in London, you must pass a complex memory test called ‘The Knowledge’.
And chaps, this test is no joke.
To pass, you have to memorize 25,000 streets across central London and then recite the quickest route between two random points given to you during the exam.
Despite the fact that technological development has rendered hippocampus-enlarging memorisation tasks like this to be completely unnecessary, passing this test is still an impressive feat.
In fact, this test is hands-down more difficult than most university courses in Britain today.
The real benefit of getting a ride with a black cabbie is that they’ve been doing the job for so long, they can point out every cool thing that’s happened en route to your destination.
“Oi mate, here’s where you can buy the best bacon butty in London…”
“Oi mate, here’s where Banksy vandalised someone else’s property…”
“Oi mate, here’s where Guy Fawkes nearly did us all a favour…”
All things considered, being a black cab driver is a pretty cool job.
Spending your days driving around one of the World’s greatest cities, listening to a cool podcast, and seeing the sights is much more rewarding than working 60 hours a week for ZogCorp.
On a standard day, a London cabbie could expect to see a goat being halal slaughtered in Tower Hamlets.
An African drill rapper being stabbed to death in Croydon.
And a white man being arrested for committing a ‘hate crime’ in Chelsea.
Presumably, he made the unforgivable mistake of noticing the demographics responsible for the city’s rising crime rates.
Don’t forget lads…

Uber vs The Black Cabs.
Black cabs used to be called Hackney-carriages, and they were how Londoners got about the city for a century.
But over time, as suicidal mass immigration policies dramatically increased the population of London, demand for taxis increased quicker than the number of available taxi drivers.
This excess demand meant that black cabs gradually became financially unviable to all but the merchant class.
Then, the free market came to play.
In 2009, some dude invented an app called Uber.
This meant that instead of overpaying for a difficult to hail black cab, you could pay £5 to have a Pakistani in a Prius sent directly to your location.
And Muhammad would take you anywhere…
A bloody bargain!
The app was so popular, it caused all of the Black Cab drivers to panic.
They realised they were losing their monopoly, so in 2014, the cabbies went on strike and bought London to a standstill in a protest against Uber…
This lead to an 850% increase in the downloads of uber.
The cabbies went crazy because there are no prerequisite tests one must complete to become an uber driver.
Any fresh-off-the-boat Bangladeshi can download the app and start ferrying blokes about Britain.
This lowers the cost of travel for the passenger by 50% but doubles their chance of being sexually assaulted.
A tradeoff that the majority of British people seem to be surprisingly okay with.
The Problem Black Cabs Have With Uber.
The Uber Problem provides the perfect opportunity to observe the exact process the international capitalists use to conquer a country.
In this instance, it took just 10 years for global finance to destroy a centuries-old British tradition.
They did this by exploiting the labour of the ‘local’ population.
This is the most important thing the capitalists have to do.
For their scheme to work, they must find a way to secure cheaper than average workers.
Nike enslaves Asians, De Beers enslaves children and Uber abused a legal loophole to avoid employing any of their drivers (until the government forced them to do so).
So for a decade, they were paying immigrants a measly wage to deliberately undercut and disenfranchise British black cab drivers.
It is for this reason that multi-national corporations in Christendom always champion mass immigration policies.
It’s just basic economics.
If the supply of labour goes up, the price for it (wages) goes down.
By doing this, they also get to claim they are supporting ‘diversity’ instead of getting the bad press associated with being slave owners.
Very crafty.
The main issue the British people have is that their government is so bloated and lethargic, that it cannot act fast enough to regulate these new technological markets.
(Speaking of new technology, the best way to support the blog is by donating crypto here. Ta.)
International Capitalism vs The British People.
The craziest part of this story is that Uber doesn’t really exist…
It’s a business valued at £66 Billion, that has never made a profit.
It’s a BUSINESS that has never made a PROFIT.
How the fuck did that become normal?
Well, the enemy is very sneaky.
The international capitalist system they created uses high-interest debt to subsidise the services they provide.
Uber was able to raise extortionate amounts of money from venture capitalists.
And as a result, they can provide a great service to their customers without even having to think of making a profit.
The black cabs operating at small margins with humble profits simply stood no chance of competing against them.
This means that no one outside the global financial system can outcompete the people who have sold their souls to it.
Everyone is forced to take a giant loan from the bank or to go out of business.
Over time, this means the bankers use this system to create a monopoly in every single industry.
Then, when they have destroyed all competition and control the entire market, they jack the price of everything up because the people have no other choice but to pay the price.
Through this mechanism, countries become subservient to companies, and the people become slaves to the financial elite.
The only solution is to build a small, strong, ruthless, protectionist government to bring these arseholes to heel.
* for better