Parliamentary democracy is the facade that the central bank pays for to placate the British people and trick them into believing they have a say in the direction that the British politicians are taking our country.
The truth, however, is that regardless of whether you vote for the red team or the blue team, the blackmailed British politicians exist to ensure that total centralisation of wealth and power in the hands of the enemy continues.
Modern politics is just a reality TV show.
But instead of watching ‘Made in Chelsea‘, you’re watching ‘Made in Eton’.
The British politicians are just characters in this script.
They are completely powerless.
They are the irrelevant faces of an insatiable financial machine that exists purely to destroy all that is good, beautiful, and true.
The plotlines playing out in the talking-shop of Westminster are occasionally entertaining but always depressing.
To the thinking man, modern politics is a form of torture.
But to the masses, politics is a fascinating form of theatre.
Many people haven’t yet realised that 99% of the parasitical British politicians that pretend to protect us are actually initiated servants of the satanic financial system that enslaves us.
As a result, they get very passionate about the opinions of these traitors as they appear during the 24-hour news cycle.
So reluctantly, I have ranked the most interesting members of the parliamentary puppet show out of 10 for their ‘Britishness’.
The Blackshirt.

Sir Oswald Mosely was Britain’s most successful socialist.
He can be commended for comprehending two crucial things.
Firstly, that you cannot replace the system from inside it.
And secondly, that true power is derived from the voice of an honest man.
In 1939, he gave the largest indoor political rally in Britain history to over 30,000 men.
The exceptionally articulate, anti-war campaigner provided such a compelling critique of international capitalism and WW2 that he was illegally imprisoned, without charge or trial by Winston Churchill, for the crime of telling people we didn’t need to go and fight another banking war.
This was the final nail in the coffin of the British empire.
Saying this, Sir Oswald was far from perfect.
He was a randy dude who cheated on his wife with both of her sisters… and her stepmother.
As you do.
Additionally, he was a globalist of sorts.
He viewed Europe as one nation (are the Irish and the Italians remotely similar people?) and dreamed of uniting them under one central EU-esque central government.
Sounds fairly dodgy.
But nevertheless, he understood that usury was the primary plague of our society and devoted his entire life to fighting against the demonic bankers who profit from it.
What could have been, 9/10.

Enoch Powell was right.
In April 1968, he articulated the severity of the demographic problems facing modern Britain in a speech known as ‘The Rivers of Blood’.
In a just world, the echoes of his words would haunt our British politicians today and inspire structural changes to be made in our country. But unfortunately, his warnings continue to fall on deaf ears.
Enoch is venerated by the working men of Britain, for explaining that migration is the prelude to war.
He realised that the magnitude of every war is directly proportional to the amount of human movement that proceeded it.
And subsequently explained that if the Kalergi-inspired demographic change continued, then a race war on British shores would become inevitable.
He will be proven to be correct, 8/10
The Portly Pagan.

Jonathan Bowden was a rotund renegade who possessed a sky-high BMI, and an encyclopedic knowledge of Europe’s thought criminals.
Bowden took it upon himself to shine a light on ideas that had been deliberately hidden from the British people.
He tirelessly travelled the country giving speeches in pubs that are more educational than any lecture you could attend at Cambridge University.
It is for this act, he received his well-earned cult status amongst the patriotic men of Britain.
Bowden was an intellectual juggernaut, with the physique of a pub landlord. He read Heraclitus and developed a personal preference for paganism. But he spent his life dutifully explaining the ideas of Julius Evola, Savitri Devi, Yukio Mishima, and Martin Heidddeigger to the British people in the hope he could inspire grass-roots political change.
He was a good man who was taken from us too early. May he rest in peace, 7/10.
Nigel Far-Right.

The sneaky media is desperate to crown Nigel Farage as the king of the ‘far-right’.
The Barbour-wearing, beer-swilling, Brexit-delivering bloke has been on TV more than any of the other British politicians this decade.
Which despite his achievements, makes us naturally suspicious of him.
You see, it’s tough to decide how one views old Nige.
In the context of coherent political thought, he’ll go down in history as a laughable lib.
A man who openly agrees with 95% of the modern orthodoxy which is corroding Christendom.
Maybe that’s too harsh?
Maybe he’s just playing the game?
Maybe, in order to get things done during peace-time, you have to ensure your ideas are relatable to the average Joe.
People don’t like change and won’t listen to revolutionary ideas until hyper-inflation steals their wealth, UN troops invade their country, and bodies line their streets.
With this in mind, Nigel’s basically as good as it gets.
The old dog was almost single-handily responsible for securing Britain’s exit from the EU. A serious step towards sovereignty from the international cartel, for which he should be whole-heartedly commended, 6/10.
The Honourable Member for the early 20th Century.

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a ‘devout Christian conservative’ who has spent his entire life in 21st-century politics without condemning the effect that usury has on our society.
This is the intellectual equivalent of spending your life as a farmer without condemning the effect of bugs on your crops.
Additionally, claiming to ‘conserve’ Britain, whilst promoting international free trade is like claiming to conserve a woman’s chastity whilst pimping her out to Ron Jeremy.
However, despite his numerable deficiencies, the bloke perfectly represents a truly traditional, English aesthetic.
He has 6 children, condemns abortion, and possesses an enviable lexicon. Nice.
Additionally, Jacob’s sartorial elegance is unrivalled and justifies his status as a 5/10.
The Heavyweight of Westminster.

In the election cycle of May 2001, an overzealous agricultural worker threw an egg into the face of John Prescott as he walked through Wales on the campaign trail.
To the surprise of the British public, and presumably the egg-thrower, the then Deputy Prime Minister turned around, and without hesitation, punched him in the face.
To this day, this remains the most sincere representation of masculinity by any of the British politicians we’ve had in the 21st Century.
And though Mr. Prescott looks like a beanbag in a suit, he’s got a decent left hook for a lib.
When questioned about the punch, he said: “Tony Blair asked me to connect with the electorate, so I did.”
Legendary, 4/10.
The Queen of the Karens.

The gene for unlikability is the defining characteristic of Scottish DNA, but my God, Nicola sturgeon takes it to a new level.
She looks like every unhappily-married, sexually unsatisfied, 50-year-old woman, ever.
Someone needs to give this bitch an orgasm.
Her grand plan for sovereignty is to take Scotland out of Great Britain… and then into the EU.
That’s like divorcing Matt Hancock to marry Jimmy Saville.
Female politicians struggle to be taken seriously for two reasons.
Firstly, there’s nothing worse than shaking hands with a woman…
It feels like you’re crushing a bird’s nest.
And secondly, because female politicians never ever stop talking.
Do you know why we evacuate women and children first during a disaster?
It’s so men can think of a solution in silence.
That’s what needs to happen again in Westminster, 3/10
The Muslim Mayor.

In 2016, half the country freaked out after Sadiq Kahn said that “terrorist attacks are part and parcel” of living in a multicultural city…
Why was everyone so upset?
He’s correct.
The movement of fighting aged men, from land that is theirs, into land that is not, is always the prelude to war.
Anyway, since accidentally speaking the truth once five years ago, this little rodent has spent his time campaigning to criminalise jokes, promoting the demographic and moral destruction of our country, and turning parts of London into a third-world war zone.
What a disposable douchebag, 2/10.
The One.

Dianne abbot is an obese, African, communist, woman.
What’s not to love?!
Can you believe that Jeremy Corbyn shagged her?!
If that doesn’t disqualify you from running the country, what will?!
She has the worst physiognomy of any human being alive and though we’re supposed to pretend otherwise…
You can judge a book by its cover.
And the front page of her Dianne Abbots autobiography will have a large picture of the number one, 1/10.