In 2020, the rodents running the Bank of England decided to provoke the British people by producing a particularly perfidious piece of propaganda… the Diversity Built Britain 50p coin.
These serpents defaced our currency with a preposterous lie.
They claimed that foreigners, people who arrived uninvited in the last 60 years, were somehow responsible for creating our glorious country…
Which has thrived for multiple millennia.
The Bankers know it’s not true, but they created the coin anyway.
Just to piss us off.
This article will explore the implications of such devilish sneakery.
How much is the diversity built Britain 50p worth?
The ‘Diversity Built Britain 50p’ is a tiny piece of metal with a lie written on it.
How do I say this delicately?
It’s not worth ANYTHING.
Well, that’s not quite true.
Technically, it’s worth 50p.
So if you have one, congratulations!
You can quit your job at ZogCorp, wonder into a café and buy one seventh of a coffee.
Alternatively, you could try to sell the coin on eBay.
Some blue-haired, brain-dead lib might be stupid enough to buy it for marginally more than its officially worth.
And if that doesn’t work, you could just hold on to it.
If our civilisation somehow still exists in 50 years, perhaps you’ll be able to go on ‘Cash In The Attic’ and reminisce about the time when the whole world went mad.

How many diversity built Britain 50p coins are there?
There are 10.5 million Diversity Built Britain 50p coins in circulation.
That’s a large number.
Speaking of large diversity numbers, did you know there’s over four million foreigners in London?
I don’t think people realise how insane that is…
So let’s have a little history lesson.
And compare this situation to the events the proceeded the collapse of Rome.

In the year 372 AD, an army of savages in the East, called the Huns, were killing a lot of people in Asia.
They moved West, eliminated the Alans, enslaved the Ostrogoths and started attacking a group of people called the Visigoths.
Two hundred thousand Visigoths tried to escape these barbarians by fleeing even further westward, but they found themselves trapped by the Danube river, which was the edge of the Roman Empire.
The Visigoths were about to be wiped out so they sent a desperate, last minute message across the river to the Roman Emperor, begging to be saved.
They promised they’d faithfully adhere to all the rules of Rome if he allowed them into the city.
The Emperor at the time was a bunch of sticks called Valens.
He stupidly decided to let these 200,000 refugees into his land.
And it backfired immediately.
Violent crime spiked massively.
And six years later, the refugees went to war with their Roman saviours.
They murdered the Emperor who saved them and killed fifty thousand of Rome’s best soldiers in the process.
32 years after that, Aleric the Goth, the leader of the refugee Visigoths, sacked Rome.
He slaughtered all the men, raped all the women and burnt the once great city to the ground.
So, what’s the moral of this story?
Empathy is DEADLY.
NEVER let barbarians through your gates…
No matter how compelling their X-factor worthy sob story is.

Did Diversity Build Britain?
Anyone who believes that has more brain damage than Michael Schumacher.
Diversity didn’t build Britain…
BRITISH people built Britain.
The diversity showed up 4 minutes ago and ruined everything.