When I was younger, one of my father’s favourite sayings, was “Less haste, more speed.”
He would recite this idiom, like an incantation, every time I jumped head first into something, without first thinking about the wider implications of my actions.
As I’ve gotten older, like with many other things, I’ve realised…
He was right.

Less Haste, More Speed – Meaning
Young, hyper-ambitious men are right to talk about the importance of SPEED.
Without it, one has absolutely no chance of getting a business or revolution off the ground.
But after carefully observing the behaviour of many young wannabe entrepreneurs.
I have concluded, that most young men are unaware that they’re not actually acting with speed.
But they are in fact, acting with HASTE.
And there’s a crucial difference…
You see, people are so desperate to get hyper-wealthy in their twenties now.
(So they can buy a cereal box watch and put their penis in a marginally more symmetrical stranger)
That they’ve stopped caring about how they get rich.
And that’s a big problem.
Because in life there’s no destination.
The struggle never ends.
Life is a process.
It’s a test.
Will you do the right thing… even though it’s tempting to do the wrong thing?
People who act with haste tend to conveniently ignore this fact.
Because they believe the ends justify the means.
They’ll do ANYTHING for a quick payday:
- Pimp out young girls
- Betray a friend
- Sell their soul for 1 minute of clout
And I’m telling you, that’s a one way ticket to the lake of burning fire.
Haste may get you where you want to go.
But if you’re not careful.
There will be so many skeletons in your closet by the time you get there…
You won’t be able to enjoy the view for long.