People claim there are only three types of snakes in England.
But they WRONG.
There’s at least ten.
If you don’t know how to identify them, you will get bitten and die.
So pay attention.
This article will save your life.
It’s the official list of the top ten most deadly snakes in England.

The Top 10 Most Deadly Snakes In England
The Smooth Snake

Smooth snakes are the rarest of all the snakes in England and to be honest, I respect these guys.
I share three things in common with the Smooth snake:
- We both can only be found in exclusive parts of Surrey, Hampshire, and Dorset.
- We both spend our lives on beaches looking for prey (I like blonde surfer girls, they prefer lizards, baby birds, and insects)
- We both believe that poison is a pussies weapon and that it’s more honourable to strangle your enemies to death
Unfortunately, smooth snakes only live for about 20 years, but hey, you know what they say?
The good die young.
The Grass Snake

We can assume that grass snakes are intelligent because they choose to live in England, but never in Scotland.
These wannabe Anglos are always found near a steady source of fresh water.
Presumably they avoid tap water because they don’t want to turn gay like the frickin frogs.
Grass snakes live in woodlands and can be eaten by hedgehogs, cats, birds, foxes, badgers, and weasels.
This means the grass snake has more predators in its natural environment than a child actor working for the BBC.
As it spends its entire life under attack, you’d assume it was pretty good at defending itself… right?
When grass snakes are attacked, rather than fighting back, they choose to play dead by opening their mouths and exposing their bellies.
(This is what white people are doing in Europe right now)
Playing dead is a pathetic, ineffective tactic which results in most Grass snakes getting eaten alive.
If the English people would like to avoid the same fate, they need to remember an unavoidable truth…
In this fallen world, the only way to survive, is to do to the enemy, that which they are willing to do to you…
But you must be willing to strike FIRST.

The Adder

Adders live in heathlands, moorlands, and forests all over England
You can recognise these losers by the distinctive dark zigzagging pattern that runs down the centre of their backs.
The reason I call them losers, is because they’re are part of the viper family and technically have a ‘venomous’ bite.
But they’ve only managed to kill 14 people in England in the last 100 years.
Hey Adders…
5,000 people were killed by bee stings in that time
Ssssssso you’re less deadly…
Adders are ‘venomous’ and shy… kind of like emo girls.
These scaredy cats try to stay away from the big dogs (humans) and only bite when they’re stepped on or handled.
Which is an important lesson.
If you crush an adder beneath your foot, but leave it alive, it will recoil and attack you with a double dose of venom.
Meaning, if you do choose to go to war, you must totally extinguish your enemy.
The Slow-Worm

The Slow-worm isn’t slow and it’s not a worm.
Technically, it’s a ‘legless lizard’.
(Like the offspring of Stephen Hawking and Queen Elizabeth?)
But let’s cut the shit.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world that he didn’t exist.
And I feel like it’s happening again.
I mean… look at this wriggly little fucker.
It’s a SNAKE.
I don’t trust it.
Given the opportunity, this motherfucker would definitely try to tempt your bitch to take a bite from an apple.

On the topic of diet, there’s one more reason you should despise Slow-worms.
They only eat snails.
100% of their diet is literally SNAILS
That means they’re the Frenchman of the animal kingdom.
And our eternal enemy.
The Journalist

Well, I say ‘club’, it’s more like a ‘ring’.
Journalists are toxic serpents who can usually be found lurking inside the m25.
If it’s a female, it will look like a lesbian who hasn’t orgasmed in the last decade.
If it’s a male, it will be a soft, pudgy, self righteous, sodomite, who has never won a fight in his life.
Where possible, you should avoid ever communicating with these traitors.
They will pretend to be on your team in order to interview you, then betray you and treat you like a super-villain for saying something obvious like:
“Flooding the country with millions of savages increased crime and caused wages to stagnate for two decades.”
The sneaky media cannot be trusted.
Every one of their news reports are identical.
They all go like this:
> State fake problem (Covid, climate change, weapons of mass destruction, a war that they started, whatever)
> Claim the only solution is global communism
> Call anyone who disagrees a ‘racist’
Divide and conquer.
That’s their game.
They are the ENEMY of the people.
The Politician

Politicians are parasites who have mastered of the art of speaking with a forked tongue.
Not in the Harry Potter, attack your cousin with a Boa Constrictor at London zoo kind of way.
They’ve mastered it in a “Go and die in a ditch dumb goy” kind of way.
So here’s the truth.
It doesn’t matter if you vote for the zionist pedophile in the blue tie, or the zionist pedophile in the red tie…
Either way
You’re still being ruled over by evil tyrants who worship Satan and are being paid to destroy everything you love.
Regardless of what any of these serpents say, the same shit will keep on happening when they get elected.
They are powerless puppets who will try to tempt you with lies like: “Hope and Change”
But what they actually mean is: “More usury, more sodomy and more murdering innocent Muslims in the Middle-east.”

Snakes in England are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act of 1981.
This means it’s illegal to kill or injure them.
One guy tried though and he went down in history.
The Doctor

Every time doctors go on strike, anywhere in the world, the death rate FALLS by 30 to 50%.
I’m not joking.
The labcoats are murderers masquerading as hero’s.
One of the funniest psychological operations of all time, was the campaign to trick high IQ people into voluntarily becoming underpaid wageslaves for big pharma.
All these doctors we’re all tricked into thinking they’re “on the front lines”
All you do is Google Symptoms and prescribe the most profitable painkillers you prick.
You’re not defending our people, you’re fighting for big pharma you snake.
Things are so bad.
That doctors who used to get universal respect, are now applauded by retards and despised by patriots.
Do you remember that?
When all the idiots left their homes to clap the NHS every Tuesday night?
For what?
Failing to cure a fake virus?!
I was banned from Twitter for saying the whole ‘pandemic’ was a hoax on day one.
While all these obese doctors with meaningless degrees and Hitlerian body counts, waddled around demanding that everyone “trusted the experts”
But what are they actually experts at?
Poisoning their own people for profit?!

The Bankers

When the British Government needs money, the central bank creates some, and allows the government to borrow it.
And then the government has to pay the loan back… with interest.
Using tax payers money.
If the Bank of England is owned by the British Government like they claim…
That would mean they are borrowing money from… themselves?
That doesn’t make sense.
You can only borrow money from someone else, right?
So who are we borrowing money from?
And why are we paying for our own money to be created?
It’s OURS.
And crucially…
Who are we paying these interest payments to?
I’ve got a theory…

The Monarchy

Most people don’t know this, but Windsor Castle has the highest density of lizards on Earth.
In fact, they hired a photographer to take a photo at a family event a few years back and this is what he leaked to the press…

A group of lizards is called a lounge.