The inhumane, illegal, immoral COVID lockdowns drove me insane. I snapped, hit the fuck-it button and started answering normies questions with the truth…
With hilarious results.
Here are five examples from my life highlighting why all good British men should start liberally hitting the fuck-it button:
1. Boomer Homicide
An obese baby boomer in my cricket club told me that taking the vaccine was the smart thing to do.
I told him that taking health advice from fat people was a stupid thing to do.
His face nearly melted.

2. Café Culture
I was maskless.
Standing Britishly in the front half of the queue in my quaint local café, patiently waiting to order a cup of tea and a full English.
When out of nowhere, a middle-aged man with a dad-bod waddled in into the café wearing a mask below his nose.
Instead of joining the back of the queue like a respectable citizen… he blindly moved passed multiple people and stood next to me.
So I said:
“Excuse me sir, do you mind… the mask is supposed to go OVER you nose?”
Without complaint.
What a fucking fag.

3. Satano-Christian Values
My priest told me that I had to comply with the governments rules on masks and vaccines in order to attend mass.
Naturally, I refused.
He accused me of wanting to genocide the congregation.
I laughed and said something like: “I thought we weren’t supposed to live in fear?
‘Be not afraid’… It says that 365 times in the bible right?
One for every day of the year. Seems like today’s a good day to start.”
He went red with wrath and started regurgitating some fake statistics.
I said: “If Jesus returned right now, would you force him to comply with the state law?”
He hurled a few nonsense insults at me and then banished me from the church.
But hey, they hated him first.

4. Breaking hearts
Some chubby chick in a bar asked if I took the vaccine.
“Fuck no, I’m not braindead.”
She was 50% angry and 100% DTF.
She wouldn’t leave me alone for the rest of the night, despite saying I was: “like SUPER selfish”.
I got fed up of being pestered by this female and said: “Isn’t it funny how women are obsessed with unvaccinated men, but men are repulsed by vaccinated women.”
She tried to slap me.

5. A Generation Lost In Space
At a party during lockdown a friend of mine said:
“Isn’t it cool that Elon Musk is going to Mars?”
I hit the fuck-it button:
“No. Space is fake you dribbling retard. A vacuum can’t exist next to an atmosphere. Do you also think that Star Wars is real?”
There was stunned silence as my friends realised that the best read, wealthiest member of the group was a full time flat-Earther.